Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A departure and a haircut

There is now a lock of hair in Sam's baby book. I FINALLY trimmed the back of his hair. I didn't get to do the complete haircut because, pathetically, it appears that we don't own a comb. How can two grown adults not own a single comb? Anyway, the real deal will happen tomorrow or this weekend (once I've bought a comb). But the worst is taken care of. My son no longer has a mullet or a rat-tail.
This mini-event marks a major transition in our household. Grandma and granddad (a.k.a. Heather's parents Judy and Mark) left today to visit other family members before heading back to Australia to continue their world cruising adventures :( We drove up to Boston today to see them off at the airport (and help them with their 200 lbs of luggage). Grandma couldn't stand to see Sam's beautiful strawberry blond curls clipped, even a tiny bit, so we waited until she was gone to start the cutting :) Jokes aside, though, grandma and granddad will be sorely missed by all in our little household. It's back to the realities of cooking and cleaning, and life without babysitters who are also two of Sam's favorite playmates. The past four and a half months have been truly amazing. Bon voyage, Grandma and Grandad!

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