Monday, July 21, 2008

My first wedding cake!

I've been baking cakes for years, and have occasionally thought of starting my own cake-baking business. This past weekend, I finally tackled the Mount Everest of cakes ... a three-tier wedding cake ... six layers of chocolate zucchini cake filled and frosted with whipped chocolate ganache and decorated with gerbera daisies. Okay, so it wasn't exactly Ace of Cakes material. But I was pretty proud of it. More importantly, the bride and groom (Danielle Fino and Charro Zuck) loved it and there were no leftovers!

Friday, July 11, 2008

WALL-E here we come!

We have a babysitter and we're going to the movies!!! Okay, so it's a matinee ... but still! I haven't seen a movie in the theatres in something like two years. Our neighbor's daughter, Gypsy, has been doing the mother's helper thing ... coming over once a week and watching Sam while I get things done around the house. They love eath other. So this Sunday, they get their first shot at going solo (well, Gypsy's mom is an ex-nanny and right across the street, so not totally solo). And we get to see WALL-E! I'll let you know how it is :)

Friday, July 4, 2008

I was wrong

I owe Jed a big "I was wrong, you were right." And that doesn't happen very often ;) He's been warning me for months not to let Sam play with the phone because he might dial 911. I kept saying that he usually dials 66666 or other gibberish and the chances of him getting 911 by chance were so small it wasn't worth worrying about. I was wrong. Yesterday morning I was sitting on the deck, Sam was going back and forth between the kitchen and the deck, and Jed was showering. Jed called down to say someone was at the front door. It was a (rather large) policeman wondering if everything was alright here because apparently someone had called 911 and the phone had been off the hook since then. YIKES! Sure enough, the kitchen phone was laying next to its cradle showing the last number dialed was 911. I assured the nice officer that we were all fine, that my phone-happy toddler was to blame, and that it wouldn't happen again. We've since moved the phone to higher ground and I'll be much more watchful in the future.