Friday, November 13, 2009

first stitches

So Sam hit a milestone yesterday that I was hoping to avoid for another few years - first stitches. I mean, I know that stitches, casts, and copious bumps and bruises are part of life with boys but he's nit even thee yet! Anyway, long story short ... he got over-excited when daddy showed up to get hum from school yesterday, jumped/tripped off the front porch stair and went head-first into the sidewalk where, to make matters worse, he encountered a small rock. The rock won. Sam has SIX stitches holding a half-inch or so gash closed. According to daddy he was very calm and brave ... a brief burst of tears when he fell, and a bit of panic when they wrapped him in a sheet before stitching (think straight-jacket ... I'd freak out!), but that was all. When he got home last night, he proudly announced "Me bonked, mama!" For sure.

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