Monday, February 18, 2008

Taking the plunge

Okay, we're finally doing it. We're starting a family blog. Sam is over a year old. Our friends and families (i.e. Sam's admirers) are scattered around the globe. And I am not a very good correspondent under the best of circumstances ... let alone when I've been chasing Sam all day and nursing/bouncing him all night. So I hope that this will help keep everybody up to date on the latest goings on here in the Goldstone household. Yes, I know that will require actually POSTING. I'm aiming for weekly, but we'll see how it goes. And, yes, we will post more photos on the Picasa sight soon. Our camera died a couple of weeks ago, so we currently have no way to get the photos that were on the memory card uploaded to our computer. We're working on a replacement, though. So stay tuned ...

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