Sunday, March 30, 2008

Another ear infection

Only this time, it's not Sam ... it's me! Since three colds turned into three ear infections for Sam this past fall, we've gotten very vigilant about that possibility. So I was very happy when Sam's doctor pronounced his ears totally clear on Wednesday. Imagine my surprise when I woke up with my left ear throbbing yesterday morning! I called my doctor, who was hopeful it was not yet infected, and he suggested Mucinex to help the congestion clear and Motrin to handle the pain. That did well enough for most of the day, but by 10:30pm last night, it just wasn't cutting it. A midnight trip to the ER confirmed that it is indeed infected and they sent me home with prescriptions for anaesthetic ear drops and an antibiotic. Things are better today, so fingers crossed that this, too, shall soon pass and we'll see the end of this flu yet.

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