Friday, June 13, 2008

Ahh, Friday night

It's Friday night. I'm wearing my pajamas, drinking milk and eating cookies. And I was just thinking maybe I'd treat myself to some brainless TV. And I'm really happy about all this. Now, if it were 1am and I were just coming home from some bar, that would be one thing. But it's 8:30pm! What's wrong with me?!?! Oh, yeah, that's right. I'm a parent.
Oh yeah, and did I mention that Sam shoved a washcloth so far down the bathtub drain that I can't get it back? I've tried a coat hanger and the vacuum ... the most creative suggestions I've gotten from two sources who shall remain anonymous. I refuse to call a plumber on the weekend (especially during summer season on the Cape) to have a washcloth removed from a drain pipe. So I guess we're without a bathtub for a couple of days!

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