Tuesday, February 10, 2009


God, it's been FOREVER since I posted. Nothing big to report right now, just a little glimpse into Sam's world. He has definitely embraced being two, and I don't mean he's throwing tantrums left and right (although we do get those occasionally). Counting right now consists of "two, three, two, three" repeated over and over, all while holding up one finger. You might think that's an indication that he doesn't know what two means. Not so. I can't give him one of anything anymore. He asks for two, and knows when he's got it. A typical conversation goes something like this:
Sam: Peez.
Me: Please, what?
Sam: Dat (accompanied by imperious pointing)
Me: Oh, a spoon?
Sam nods, I hand him said object.
Sam: Two. Two. (much nodding and holding up of the counting finger)
Me: You need two spoons?
Sam: Da.
I hand him another spoon.
Sam: Dank oo!
And he's off.
Yesterday, he used his two spoons to play drums on his own kneecaps. I mentioned that it looked painful and he said "da" and nodded enthusiastically, but didn't stop.

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